Sunday, March 28, 2010

Easter Dress

I went to the store for some fabric squares to make a flag for Girl's Camp. Two hours later I came home with not only the flag material, but patterns and fabric for Easter clothes. I decided I wanted to make Wendy an Easter dress and then decided the boys could not be left out, so they are getting vests. I finished Wendy's dress in time for church today, the boys will have to wait until the Sunday after Easter to don their vests. Anyway here is Wendy, modeling her new dress.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Future Super Hero

I just had this conversation with Zach and thought I would let you all enjoy.

Zachary: "Mom, I changed my mind, I don't want to be a scientist when I grow up I want to be a Super Hero!!"

Mom: "What kind of Super Hero?"

Zachary: "It is the best one of all, it is going to have a motor and a shooter and it has wings,
Yes! It is a motorcycle guy"

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Wendy at 9 months!

At 9 months. . .
Wendy dislikes: getting dressed, sleeping through the night, falling down stairs, and being left alone.
Wendy likes: attention, crawling, standing up, her fuzzy blankets, putting things in her mouth, eating, reading books, playing patty-cake, climbing stairs, and being outside.

As you can see Wendy likes more than she dislikes, so she is easy to get along with. We love having her in our home.

The following videos are of Wendy playing with a balloon, and Wendy crawling and then putting something in her mouth. Everything and anything goes in her mouth.

At her 9 month check-up, she was pronounced a healthy little girl weighing in at 15lb 15 oz (7th percentile) and 26.5 in. (17th percentile).

Monday, March 22, 2010

Robots continued. . .

The newest thing in Flamm Family robotics.

This little guy can move. It is fun watching Kyle get excited about programs working or parts doing what they should. It is also fun to see how creative he is in making parts, such as the base or wheels out of things around the house.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Eric's Book

It is amazing how different children are. Zachary has never had any interest is coloring. Eric on the other had loves coloring. One day he asked if he could color, I asked him if he would like to color a whole storybook. As can be seen in the following video, he said yes. I found his story telling quite entertaining. I think everyone will have to agree he is one cute boy!