Sunday, May 26, 2019

May Time Fun!!

Our first experience with sprinklers outside.  It was a success.

Sabrina posing with her brother Eric, in the doctor's office, and the washing machine.

Wendy posing with her artwork at school, her wonderful mother, and her amazing 4th grade teacher Mrs. Meyer.

We had a very wet spring!  A few times the kids took advantage of the storms and got out and played.  They were a wet, fun, mess.


 Beautiful Indiana 😃😄

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Choir Concerts

Spring brought choir concerts for both Eric and Wendy.  The first concert was compositions that the 4th grade classes did themselves.  Wendy's class song was entitled  "Bark the Shark"  Eric's final 6th grade concert was wonderful.  They preformed some songs that they had done for judges earlier in the semester and had implemented their suggestions, as well as new songs.  The final concert was the Boone Meadow Singers of which Wendy was a part.  All concerts were fun.  It was great to see Eric and Wendy involved and to support them as a family.

Eric is on the front row 4th from the right.
Wendy is right in the middle of the photo.  2nd row 4th from the left.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Mother's Day

My family treated me like royalty on Mother's Day.  They let me have a great nap and then proceeded to present me with gifts and cards that were thoughtful.  I got some fun socks, homemade frames, gorgeous flowers both for the table and to have outside.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019


The girl's Easter Outfits

Wendy with her friends Adeline and Charlee
 Easter was low key and fun.  We spent the time remembering our Savior at home on a rainy weekend.  The following weekend we participated in an Easter Egg Hunt that a couple in the ward hosts.  It was a lot of fun and the kids enjoyed all the candies and toys they collected.