Sunday, June 20, 2010

Girl's Camp

Life's an Adventure: Be Strong
The Super Hero Way

I had a wonderful time last week at Girl's Camp. We went to the Cub River Ranger Station which was a beautiful place and had great amenities. The first night, Wednesday, it poured. We even had grape sized hail. It was also freezing!!!! But the weather just kept getting better from there on out. By Friday some of us were getting sunburns. I love the group of girls with whom I get to associate. They are so kind to one another and willing to help. Camp is such a wonderful time to really get to know one another and learn to love one another more. I would have to say that on those two accounts camp was successful. We also had a great time learning about becoming Super Heroes and learning about our Savior who is our biggest Hero. Here are pictures of Eric and Zach in my superhero cape when I returned. Mine had a smiley face on the back with the letters HOPE, they stood for Happy, Optimistic, Positive, Exemplar. That was my super hero identity. We had a lot of fun!!

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