Monday, July 12, 2010

How did she get so big?

Wendy is growing up way to fast!! Here are two videos that show some of her new talents. The first is her listening, understanding, and doing what Kyle asks. While we were camping if her binkie was in her mouth then rocks and dirt were not. Kyle started asking her to put her binkie in and she did! I tried a few times and sometimes she listened, but Kyle definitely was more successful. The second video is of her walking. Each day she becomes more steady on her feet and more willing to walk rather than crawl. She is still so little that it is hard to imagine she really is old enough to walk, but she is. Enjoy!


  1. I love that she is growing up, and even though I was there for both videos it is still just amazing!

  2. Good job Wendy, you're getting sooo big!
