Monday, August 9, 2010

David Schwieder Family Reunion

The David Schwieder Family Reunion was held near Bear Lake. We stayed in the Paris Springs Campground, which was very nice. The theme was around fairy tales, so we got to make crowns, tell our own fairy tales, and build castles. It was fun to be around those we love.

Camping is always fun. It is one of the few times that it is o-kay to be dirty. The campground had a small hike to Paris Springs which we went to and we had a lot of fun just hanging around camp. One night it rained on us, which was an adventure. The other adventure we had was a squirrel in our tent. O-kay it wasn't all the way in, but one night I heard a scratching sound, at first I blamed Zachary, but then I saw something moving on top of our tent. The squirrel had got stuck between the tent and the rain fly and was making quite a racket trying to get out. Amazingly none of the children woke up to the noise it made or the noise Kyle and I made trying to get him out.

Fun at the beach. On Friday we spent the day at Bear Lake on the North Beach. We had a great time building sand castles, and playing in the water. It was nice the water stayed so shallow for so long, because Zachary could play and we did not have to worry quite as much.

On our way home we stopped in Logan and ate with Dale at Fedrico's. It was great to see all the Schwieder family, but also Dale who we missed at the Flamm reunion the week before.


  1. Sure was fun! Today Elden and I watched the videos I have of the skits and he loves watching Zach and Eric.

  2. We had a wonderful time at the reunion. Thanks for coming. I got some good pictures too and I will post some of them soon.
