Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The older siblings

With a new one here I often forget to post the Flamm Family Fun that the other kids bring, so here is a post dedicated to the older siblings.

Zachary often tells us he has a lot of energy. This is a true statement. He is quite the character and loves to play with others. We enrolled him in the last month and half of preschool, which both he and his mother are enjoying.

Eric is full of smiles. He loves to show us tricks (such as the one in the picture). He loves attention from mom and dad, but is more reserved around others. He is very into Spiderman, and wants his shirt and underwear to have Spiderman on them.

Wendy is an independent little girl. She often says, "Me do it" Other favorite phrases include, "Want more now" and "No like it" She actually has quite the vocabulary and knows how to use it.


  1. Elden's really into Spideman also. He wants a Spiderman costume and tie and he's always shooting out his 'web' and swinging.

  2. Your kids are wonderful! I so miss them again.
