Monday, October 10, 2011


Both boys were out of school today, so I needed to find something to do.  I found a hike that is just minutes from our house on the Nachez-Trace Parkway.  We went on the .5 mile loop rather than the 13 mile hike, considering their ages a good choice.  We only had two hiking rules: 1. Stay together and 2.  Have fun!  I believe we did both.  The boys each had a portion of our lunch on their backs and we ate on a log (Eric was quite excited about our picnic place.)  I think it was enough of a success that we will try it again someday. 

The only picture of all of us.

The trail was well shaded, it went out to a swampy area by the reservoir.  Eric hiked with a stick almost the entire time, Zachary liked to balance on logs, and Wendy did a little march to catch up to her big brothers.


  1. Love the pictures of the kids and the one with you too! Looks like a great place for a hike, beautiful.

  2. Keeping up family traditions:) Hiking is a great way to entertain kids. I love the photos.
