Friday, February 17, 2012

busy week

Here are a few pictures from the past week of fun.  We have been very busy this week.  Monday, Eric had his Valentine's Day Party at preschool, Hyrum came with me to celebrate.  Notice he is standing in the picture.  He can stand up in the middle of the room and take a few steps before falling.  Wendy did not come with us because she was at a party of her own.  She loved bringing her own valentines and she got to take home a balloon.  Tuesday, Zachary had his party.  He was excited that I could attend and we had a great time.  The end of the week has been filled with dentist appointments, a massage (it was lovely), RS weeknight meeting, young mens, dinner with the RS presidency, and soccer practice.  Next week we all have Monday off so we'll take this long weekend to relax and hopefully get some projects at home started or done.

1 comment:

  1. so, who's playing soccer? Great sport! Can't wait to see you all in a few weeks!
