Saturday, April 18, 2020

Hyrum's Birthday

Happy Birthday, Hyrum!!

Hyrum celebrated his 9th birthday while in quarantine.  The two words that I would use to describe Hyrum are loving and active. 
Loving: Hyrum always likes to give hugs!  He is a great snuggler.  He is often one of the first ones up and comes into my room and snuggles in the morning.  He is a great friend and loves to play with everyone. 
Active:  He is always moving!!  He loves to climb, kick balls, make up levels in his own pretend game.  Hyrum is very curious and likes to learn new things, particularly if it can be learned through doing.

* Hyrum gets himself up in the morning and ready for school on his own.  He is the first to catch the bus and is often out the door before any of the other kids are up.

* Hyrum started playing soccer this year and really enjoyed the sport and the team dynamics.

* Hyrum continues to work on his reading, spelling, writing, and speech at school

* Hyrum really enjoys math and is quite good at it.

* Hyrum's favorite color is still Green

* Hyrum loves attending primary activities at church.

* Hyrum likes playing with his siblings, D&D with Zach, Roblox with Eric, Hot Lava with the girls, and bubble chasing with everyone.


1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Hyrum. I still remember when you gave me a big hug the last time I saw you.
    I hope you are all doing well in quarantine.
