Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Park

Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow last week, so 6 more weeks of winter, but hey, I'm fine with that if this is the weather of winter!

Here we are at Winner's Circle park in Flowood, about 15 minutes form our home.  It is an amazing park that we went to for playgroup and Eric has been requesting to return ever since.  Yesterday we made the trek and introduced Zachary to the park, which he said was great, especially the "big slide".

The nice thing about this park is that there are things for every age and it isn't too hard to keep track of multiple children.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, It's winter! Well, at least 2 of your kids have jackets on. Actually, the winter here has not actually been winter - it is very strange. I am getting very ansy for spring though.
