Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The month of February in pictures

If Hyrum is asked to smile for the camera this is what we get, CHEESE!  We have been riding bikes a lot in February.  Here Wendy is on the car and Hyrum doesn't want to share :(  Finally Zachary getting into the fridge with his glasses that needed to be adjusted the entire month, what a good mother I am.

 Hyrum and Wendy playing.  Hyrum definitely has an older sister.

Valentine's Day surprises from Grandma Flamm and the Valentine Phantom.

Zachary at his soccer practice.  Both Zachary and Eric began soccer again so Saturdays are full of games.

 The first two pictures are of Eric and Wendy waiting in the car during Zachary's soccer practice.  Wendy is particularly good at finding things to do as she waits after school to pick the boys up, waits during practices, and waits during piano.  The final picture is of Eric's black eye.  He got hit by the doorknob going into his room, as Zachary kicked it shut.  At least this time it truly was an accident.

 Zachary showing his "Ninjago Golden Dragon"  He saved his money and bought it himself.

Hyrum hiding.  In the background is what woke me up one morning.  He got all the cereal out, and was mixing it together in the bowl, breakfast anyone?

Eric and Zachary coloring Eric's shrinky dinks from Christmas.  Eric loves crafty things.

Here is a video showing off Hyrum's skills.  He still doesn't say much and what he does say is understood by only a select few, but he is learning more each day.  He is the most kissing child I have ever had.  He asks for kisses often and returns them.  Thank-goodness he doesn't give the open mouth slobber kisses he actually puckers his lips and makes a smacking noise.  That is one of the reasons I found the end of the video so funny.  Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Great life! So, I knew about the school and the soccer but what is this about piano? Your kids are growing too fast!
