Tuesday, August 31, 2010

FHE Flags

For Family Home Evening we learned about Captain Moroni and the Title of Liberty. We talked about the things he wrote on the flag, things that were important to him and his people. We then made our own flags using pbskids.org. The idea was to put things that are important to us on our own flags. Zachary put the scriptures, the world, a computer, a karate suit (he said it was a Chinese guy), and his name. I don't know what the karate suit meant but the others made sense. He demonstrated that he is my child; when I only put Zach on his flag at first he corrected me and wanted his full name. Eric put games, a soccer ball, a dog, his name, and the number 3. He was also very particular about the colors. I used mainly words, Faith, Family, Life, and Joy. I also put music notes. Kyle put two soccer balls to represent the boys, ballet slippers to represent Wendy, music notes to represent me, and the scriptures for his testimony.
It was a good activity and the boys seemed to actually pay attention.