Wednesday, August 8, 2012

First Day of School

The first day of school is today.  The kids met their teachers Monday and just got more excited for it to all begin.  Zachary has loved being the big brother and telling Eric everything there is to know about their school.  Eric has been thrilled to say that he is in Kindergarten.  When we told him he was going to school he corrected us, "It is not school it is Kindergarten"  I am excited to have a whole day without anywhere to run, and only two kids at home; however, I know I will miss my two boys.

Good Luck at school Zachary and Eric!!

Words from the kids after their first day. 
Eric:  My teacher gave me play-dough!  I liked lunch, I also liked to play outside.  I like being upstairs, there are puppets.  My teacher is Mrs. Gross, everybody has a Mrs.  I like Mrs. Gross.  One of my friends shirts is blue.

Zachary:  I had a great day and I was good, and that's all.

1 comment:

  1. So we can tell which one of the boys is verbal can't we. Sometimes getting kids to tell us about their time away from us is like pulling teeth. I can't believe how quickly my grandkids are growing up - it reminds me of my kids.
