Sunday, August 26, 2012

An Update:

Our weekends have been filled with birthday parties.  Two -weeks ago Eric went to one for a preschool friend, last weekend Zachary was invited to one for a Kindergarten classmate, and yesterday we all went to one for twins that go to nursery with Wendy.  Of course this was Wendy's party and she was excited that we could all come along.  They had an 18foot waterslide that was a huge hit with Zachary.  Wendy went a couple of times with Dad.  Eric climbed halfway up the stairs and then would bounce back down.  Oh how different each child is.  Hyrum and I did not get wet.  Hyrum chose to spend most of his time at the little picnic table eating, for how much that boy eats he still is a little thing.

The rest of this month has flown by.  Zachary and Eric are both adjusting nicely to school.  I am proud to say that both academically and behaviorally they are doing amazing.   I went and ate with both of them last week and it was fun to see how quickly they made friends and how excited they are to share things with me.  

Wendy and Hyrum are adjusting to not having big brothers at home.  They play quite nicely together.  Wendy likes being the big sister and so far Hyrum just goes along with what she says.  Wendy also likes to pretend to be the mom and I am the girl.  I do not get a name, simply 'girl'.  Often I hear 'girl' do this or 'girl' mom says it is time for bed, etc.  Below are two pictures of them after they got out of the shower, because their play had got a little dirty.  What cute kids!

I am enjoying some quiet time each day.  Hyrum goes down for his nap after lunch and then Wendy has reading/rest time for 40 min.  She is wonderful about staying in her room until she hears the timer.  This means that I get some time of my own.  Wow! that is something new, but I think I can get used to it :) 

Kyle is putting a lot of hours in at work.  The roll-out is in October so this is the busy time for him.  We are grateful for his sacrifice and I am grateful that he is able to do some of the work from home.  At least then I get to see him.  He is also into cars right now.  He found a show talks about all the details about what makes a car great and he has narrowed his favorites down to just a couple.  Too bad we don't have $30,000 sitting around :) 

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful! Thanks for sharing what your family is up to. I love hearing good things about all my kids!(that includes in-law kids and grandkids)
