Friday, April 11, 2014

Happy Birthday, Hyrum.

Hyrum had a great birthday.  He was excited to turn 3.  Dad came home early and we had a party. 
Hyrum was pleased to have all the attention focused on him. 

Hyrum is a fun little boy to have in our home.  He is always on the move.  He loves to climb on furniture as well as all over people.  He loves being the leader, racing, and play.  He can be a great helper, when he feels like he is making the choice to do so.  We love our Hyrum!


  1. His lungs just don't hold much air yet. He must like Jake and the Neverland Pirates. That is really big at our house right now. Very cute.

  2. Cute. Spitting is as good a blowing I think. :)
