Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Chemin-a-Haut State Park

The kids had October 13th off, so we decided to make the most of a long weekend and go camping.  However, after I checked the weather we decided to rent a cabin at the campground rather than rough it in our tent.  Each day the chance of rain increased.  We went to a State Park in Louisiana, that was along part of Bayou Bartholomew.  It was beautiful.  We had a great time visiting the Monroe Ward on Sunday.  We also enjoyed hiking, roasting marshmallows, playing games, and visiting Poverty Point Historical Site.



  1. I admit I envy your long camping season. Looks beautiful.

    1. It is actually not longer, just different. There is no way I would want to camp in the heat of the summer :)

  2. So, could you go swimming, or are there Alligators? Looks like a fun place.
