Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Trip to Utah

My sister welcomed her little angel, Kaydrie Diane Elizabeth Jean Penelope Van Dyke, September 2nd and allowed her to return to Heavenly Father September 21st.  Such courage, faith, and love were shown and continue to be shown by her and her husband Rob.  I was blessed to be able to fly out to Utah and meet Kaydrie and be with the Van Dyke family.  It was a wonderful experience, although sobering at the same time.

The Sunday service where she was blessed was spirit filled.  The gospel plan truly brings hope and comfort that otherwise would be absent.  After the sacrament meeting we were able to say good-bye to Kaydrie in a garden area.  There was a light rain and it just felt right to be with family a such a time.  Zachary has a tender heart and loved his little cousin.  

There were bubbles, play-dough, and coloring for the kids.

This is the video that my brother Brett put together for the funeral.  The music was written by Tammie and Rob and their oldest daughter Abbie.  Beautiful!

While in Utah the kids and I had some good experiences.  While I was meeting Kaydrie, the kids met some superheros with Grandma and Grandpa who were visiting the hospital.

The rest of the week we visited a lot of people.  We visited with Brunette, Ben and Lizzy.  We played with the Flamm cousins for an afternoon.  We spent a lot of time at Tammie's in-laws, the Van Dykes.  We were also able to spend a morning at Temple Square and Tammie and I were also able to attend a session at the Provo temple, which was a special treat for me. 

  The grounds at Temple Square were beautiful.  Our family was also quite a hit with a tour bus from China.  Sabrina's red hair and the amount of children seemed particularly photo worthy :)



  1. I'm so glad you were able to come out. We all appreciate the love and support of wonderful family members. The Lord gave us families for many good reasons and this is one of them.

  2. I am happy you came to. Zach in your classes makes me chuckle. The way Daisy is looking at Sabrina makes me chuckle to.
