Tuesday, February 17, 2015


I have taken up a new craft, crocheting.  Here are two of the projects I have finished.  Sabrina's modeling a granny square yoke dress, and Eric is standing behind a lap size afghan I made.  My first project was a scarf that turned out just fine, but does not match any of my coats.  The second was a sweater for Sabrina that turned out cute.  I am currently working on a sweater for Hyrum.  Notice the smaller the child the sooner something is made for them :)  Anyway I am enjoying doing something new.


  1. So cute! Maybe you'll have Daisy's name for Christmas next year....or maybe I would buy one. Will you be making a dress for Wendy? That would take some time.

  2. It think that is great. I have never tried crocheting anything bigger than a washrag. I'm hesitant to try. I need to just dive in like you. My Grandma Haroldsen (daddy's mother) would have been so proud of you. She loved to crochet and crocheted many many afghans and other projects clear into her 90's.
