Thursday, February 26, 2015

Happy Birthday, Sabrina!

Sabrina had a low-key birthday, but she did not seem to mind.  However, the other kids were a little impatient for the festivities to begin.  She liked getting presents and figured out that something was in the bag for her pretty quickly.  She did not know what to think about all the attention, but like always just went with the flow.  Sabrina couldn't decide if she liked the cake.  She ate a few bites, but then just wanted the frosting off her fingers.

  Sabrina is still a little lady,  weighing in at 16 pounds and stretching to 27 inches.  Those numbers put her in the 4th and 2nd percentiles.  She does not let her petite stature get in the way though.  She is walking, singing, climbing, and getting into anything she can.  She is a happy little girl and will often entertain herself.  She is also very patient with the love from her siblings.  She is also still taking 2 naps a day which is unusual in our home.  We love having Sabrina in our home and are excited to see the growth in her this next year.
Sabrina wearing the sweater from Grandma and Grandpa the next day for church.


  1. Happy Birthday Sabrina! We love 100% of you.

  2. She is so adorably cute! She looks more and more like Wendy. A little red headed version of Wendy. But I think she is even tinier than Wendy isn't she?
