Monday, November 2, 2015

Happy Halloween

Halloween was a simple affair.  It is not a big holiday here, but is becoming more accepted.  I was not planning on trick-or-treating because I had heard it was only done in certain neighborhoods and I did not know which those were.  Then on our walk to school I spoke with a mother who informed me that Churton Park was one of the best places for trick-or-treating.  The Lord's family (they also came over with Fast) called and asked if we had any plans.  So with those two as an impetus we went trick-or-treating.  We just used costumes from home.  Zachary was a pirate, Eric was an outlaw, Hyrum was a king, Wendy was a fairy princess, and Sabrina was a lion.  We had fun! 

1 comment:

  1. Was trick or treating cold? Your kids are going to get double holidays - the New Zealand ones and the American ones. Is it always windy there? It looks like it. When does summer start?
