Sunday, October 30, 2016

Feast upon the words of Chirst

I have been compiling some scripture chains that I have made throughout the year as part of a New Year resolution.  I thought that I would share them as well as save them as a blog.  You are welcome to take a look and maybe even study a few.  The link to the site is on the left or the blog address is:
Hyrum Feasting on the Words of Christ as a baby.


  1. whoa! This sounds awesome to add to my scriptures. I had to read how it works several times thinking it would be complicated but it sounds simple (at least for someone to follow now that you've done all the work!). I think I will give this a try after I finish what I'm studying.

  2. Many years ago I started putting scripture chains together but I soon petered out. As I looked it over I was very impressed. I am extremely impressed with you use of the Gospel App. I will have to try and use it better to improve my studying.
