Wednesday, August 21, 2019

School Time!

School 2019-2020 has begun.  Zachary, Eric, and Wendy are at Zionsville West Middle School (8th,7th, & 5th grade) Hyrum is in 3rd grade at Boone Meadow.  Sabrina is also at Boone Meadow and loving Kindergarten.  

 Hyrum catches the bus first at 7:30am.  The three older kids catch theirs at 8:15am.  Sabrina and I leave for Kindergarten drop-off at 8:40am.  Mornings are fun :)

1 comment:

  1. Yay for school. Your mornings sound busy but after 9 you can lay on the couch and chill, right? Elden and Clark catch the bus at 7:30 but I know Elden would like 8:15 better. Daisy has afternoon kindergarten and the bus picks her up at 11:30. She gets to sleep in but I almost wish I could get everyone out the door at the same time.
