Thursday, April 1, 2010


Illinois here we come!!!

The news we knew would be coming has finally arrived.
Kyle is being transferred to the Illinois project, located in the capital, Springfield.
He is supposed to be there in 3 weeks!
We are not exactly sure how we are going to work out the details, but I may stay here with the kids for a bit while we get things arranged here in Kaysville. We are going to miss this area the ward and being at least semi-close to my family. I have already told Kyle we will need a bigger vacation budget to pay for plane tickets. Anyway, wish us luck!!

April Fools
I hope at least a few people fell for this. To set the record straight
Kyle has not been transferred. We are still in and loving UTAH!


  1. Oh my goodness. You had me. I'm glad you didn't see my face.

  2. I totally fell for it! Soooo glad you aren't moving!

  3. You got Brett and I as well, great April Fool's joke.

  4. I saw it 2 days late and I still fell for it. I was picking up the phone to call and ask why you didn't tell me when I was talking with you yesterday. Great Joke!! (I hope your really transfer isn't any further than Illinois.)

  5. I'm just catching up and I fell for it.
