Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Hyrum's blessing

Hyrum was blessed on Sunday. It was a beautiful blessing focusing on the spirit and service. Here are some pictures of handsome little Hyrum in his tux. Thanks to Grandma Janet for making it, all three of our boys have used it.


  1. What a handsome little man! I can't believe how big he is getting already, wow. Give your kids a hug and a kiss from their Aunt Leslie, we sure miss them.

  2. ...and Elden wore it (-:
    He is handsome. I'm glad he's happy to.

  3. He's is a cutie! And he has the trademark big eyes. Are they blue like the others? I miss you all and wish I could have been at the blessing. Actually, I can't say it is the first grandchilds blessing I have missed. I missed James just because I left Primary too late and slipped into Brett's Sacrament meeting right as the blessing ended. I was very upset with myself!
