Sunday, July 4, 2010

4th of July

The 4th of July, celebrated on the 3rd, was a huge success for the Flamm family. We began by eating a pancake breakfast. The boys were able to get Mickey Mouse shaped pancakes. We then watched the parade. Bother and Sister Baham were kind to offer their yard to the ward.

The end of the parade has a big water fight. Zachary loved it, and Brother Green was kind enough to let him use his water gun and help him aim.

After the parade we had lunch there, it was delicious and fun for the kids to be with other children. It was definitely time for naps so home we went. Kyle was kind enough to allow me to take a nice long nap as well. The evening began with a trip over to the kids center where they had a lot of blowup slides, and bouncy toys to play with. Zachary and Eric had a blast and could have stayed there for hours.

The Slide The Fireworks

We finished the evening by going to Kaysville Theater and watching "How to Train Your Dragon" with Judd and Melanie's family. We then watched the Kaysville fireworks. The day was full and fun!! Happy 4th of July to everyone!


  1. Looks like you had a great 4th of July. I would have needed a nap or two to recover.

  2. We sure had fun too. Mia's still talking about the fireworks!

  3. I'm glad you a had such a fun day. We did too.
