Sunday, September 11, 2011

Hyrum is on the move!

Yes, Hyrum can move around the room.  If he sees something he would like to get his hands on he scoots himself over.  Sometimes his mode of transportation makes him face plant and then he gets upset for a momement, but he still persists.  The following video is of him trying to get Zachary's shiny blue gifts.  Originally he was a few feet from them and made it to them, I got the camera and scooted him back, just a little, and let him go again.  

Now I have to keep things off the floor :}


  1. Look at him go! I predict he will be crawling in a month and walking in 4 months. (you were)

  2. The skinny babies get moving faster. (-: I'll also have to keep our floor clean soon.
    He is a stud puffin.
