Friday, November 25, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving and Hello Christmas!

Our Thanksgiving festivities began last Friday with a Thanksgiving Feast in both Eric and Zachary's class.  (As a side note, everyone here says "Thanksgiving Feast" rather than just "Thanksgiving")  As you can see Eric was a pilgrim and Zachary an indian.  Eric's preschool had a very short program.  The pilgrims did their part behind a cutout boat labeled "Mayflower"  Below is one of the rhymes they did.  I wish I had gotten Eric's commentary before it started.  He yelled, "Mom you've got to get this one.  It is funny!"  and then motioned for me to begin recording.  Zachary was Black Fox, his class worked on all sorts of Thanksgiving things throughout the week that he could show us.  It was great to see and interact with both of our boys at school.

Animals at the zoo!
The next week all the kids were home for the whole week.  We had fun going to the zoo Monday, Tuesday rained and rained so we stayed inside and played the computer and read.  Wednesday we went to the library, and did some shopping for our Thanksgiving Feast.  Thursday the kids played in the yard with Kyle while I prepared food and then we ate.  Our menu consisted of ham, carrots, stuffing, fruit salad, homemade rolls, and 2 pies (strawberry and peanut butter).  It was all delicious.

Today, the day after Thanksgiving we decorated for Christmas.  This included buying and decorating our tree.   We have not usually gotten one this early, but since we are leaving in the middle of December to visit folks in Idaho and Utah, I figured we better put it up now.  We had a good time listening to Christmas music and decorating the tree.  

 It seems a little odd to be preparing for Christmas, when Thanksgiving was such a low key event, the kids still play outside regularly, and we have a lot of yard work that needs to be done.  However, it now feels a bit more like the holidays are coming we have a tree, and I put nativities all across the mantel.  



  1. The kids are cute as ever and your home is lovely. Can't wait to see you in December.

  2. What a co-incidence. Todd always called himself BlackFox when he was young. Someone told him that Todd means Fox. Your tree is BIG. You did a good job with it too. Can't wait for you to get here.
