Sunday, June 12, 2011


Friday,Eric had his 4 year checkup and Hyrum had his 2 month checkup. I scheduled them for the same time and was able to have Zachary and Wendy watched. This worked out well.
Here are their stats:

Eric has caught up. He is now in the 45 percentile for both weight and height. This is up form 30 percentile last year and 2 percentile at a year. He is a helathy little boy, who bravely got 4 shots. All his shots are now done for kindergarten, yay!! Above he is on his bike, and asleep in his chair. When Eric is tired he can fall asleep anywhere and very quickly, but the key is he has to be exhausted.

Hyrum is also growing well. He was 12lb 4oz, which puts him in the 75 percentile for weight. He was 22.5 in. long, which puts him in the 35 percentile for height. He also received shots, it is sad to see a little ones eyes look at you wondering why you are allowing someone to hurt them, but he only cried for a minute. Hyrum is getting stronger and interacts more with us.

1 comment:

  1. what cuties. I'm glad they are healthy. I already can see Hyrums beautiful blue eyes.
